Hojicha - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Product information "Hojicha - Organic Japanese Green Tea"
Hojicha (or: Houjicha) is a roasted green tea. The name is composed of the word 'hojiru' for 'toast' and the 'cha' for 'tea'. With a Horoku tea roaster you can even roast your own hojicha from your favourite green tea. KEIKO Hojicha is made from Kabusecha of the 1st and 2nd picking. Hojicha is probably the only green tea that has the right to have a red-brown cup colour. What otherwise indicates a lack of quality is in this case desired. Hochija is a great companion in both the cold and warm seasons. With its warm, mild and nut-like roasting aromas, a hot Hojicha is just right to warm up after a long winter walk. In Japan, Hojicha is often drunk with the whole family at dinner. But it is also great in the summer as a cold refreshment when you are out and about, doing sports or just to accompany your meals.
In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we recommend to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer.
Green tea preparation instructions

Prepare a cup for each person that has a capacity of 80 to 100 ml. Allow the boiled water to cool to 80° to 60°C, depending on the type. To do this, either put the water in a cooling bowl or pour it directly into the cups to cool, which will also preheat them.

Put a level teaspoon of tea per person into a clay pot. Pour one cup of water per person over the leaves. Allow the first infusion to brew for a maximum of 30 to 60 seconds.

If the tea is to be served to several people, first pour a little tea into each cup and then fill the cups in reverse order. This way, the tea will be the same strength in all cups. The pouring movements gradually give the tea the right green color. Pour out the last "golden" drops and prevent the tea from brewing any further.

Serve the tea fresh. In Japan, a small sweet treat is often served with unsweetened tea. For further infusions, pour water over the tea leaves again. Only allow to steep for about 15 seconds, as the leaf has already swollen and the ingredients are released more quickly. Distribute quickly all around.
21 September 2022 20:29
Mein Grüntee…
Ich liebe diesen Tee….schmeckt sehr gut, der Duft und der Geschmack einfach unwiderstehlich…
1 November 2019 13:34
Super lecker
Kräftig,weich und geröstetes aroma, löscht durst & schmeckt super lecker.
13 December 2019 11:47
Mein Haustee
In Japan kennengelernt. Man kann ihn von morgens bis abends und auch zu Mahlzeiten wunderbar trinken. Von Keiko ist er am besten =)!
8 August 2021 15:13
Ein Tee, der Erinnerungen weckt
Der Duft und der Geschmack dieses Houjichas wecken immer wieder aufs Neue die Erinnerung an das Teehaus, wo ich ihn an einem verregneten Herbsttag das erste Mal genießen durfte.
6 September 2019 10:27
Grüntee mit intensiven Röstgeschmack
Der Houjicha schmeckt rauchig und nussig und erinnert mich an den Geschmack von Genmaicha. Die beiden Tees schmecken bestimmt gut zu Nussecken. Mir schmeckt der Tee sehr gut obwohl der Genmaicha mir noch etwas besser schmeckt.
Manufacturer information