Kabuse Sencha Tasting Set - Organic Japanese Green Tea


Content: 75 g (€53.27* / 100 g)

Not available

Product number: 41013.1
Product information "Kabuse Sencha Tasting Set - Organic Japanese Green Tea"

Temperature 123 55-70°

Infusions 4

Brewing time 30-60 sek

Cold infusions

Can't decide which tea should be your next? Looking for the perfect gift for a tea-enthusiast (to be)? This Tasting Set gives you the opportunity to test five of the KEIKO teas of the early first plucking to explore the different flavours - find your personal favourite.

The set contains 15g of each tea variety:
Kabuse Diamond Leaf
Kabuse Tenbu Fuka
Kabuse Dan
Kabuse Soshun
Kabuse Tenko

Tea Tasting Notes

Also included is a notebook where you can record the results and observations from your tastings. The notebook contains info and tips on preparation and 20 evaluation pages that give clues on what to look for when tea tasting and help visualise the diversity of varieties, the influence of preparation on taste and the classification of flavours (German language, CO2 neutral printed on 100% recycled paper).
The notebook is in German only, but you can download an English translation for it here.


Kabusecha or Kabuse Sencha stands for shaded Sencha. For this green tea, the tea plants are shaded with special nets before harvesting. The nets allow only about half of the light to pass through, which means that the plants produce a high content of chlorophyll and other active substances and at the same time few bitter substances. Their characteristic "shade aroma" is called "ooika".


The teas in this set have all been intensively steamed (fukamushi-cha, 100 - 120 seconds steaming time). The gentle steaming opens the leaf pores and the extracts pass from the tea leaf more easily and quickly into the water. This can be recognised by the deep green colour of the tea in the cup and the yield of the tea - with top qualities like these, 4 infusions are possible!


We recommend an infusion temperature of 60-65°C for these teas. Let the first infusion steep for about 1 minute, for later infusions just steep briefly and pour out after a few seconds. For the last infusion, the infusion time can be extended a little more to get all the goodness out of the tea.
Intensely steamed early pluckings are also particularly suitable for cold infusions (Mizudashi). Even with cold water, you get an intense and refreshing tea after just a few minutes. Since the bitter substances do not dissolve as strongly in cold water, the sweetish aromas of Kabusecha come into their own. For a cold-brew steep the tea leaves in cold water for at least 5 Minutes.
Incidentally, the early pluckings also have a particularly high theanine content, which is noticeable in the sweet taste and comes out best at a low infusion temperature!


In order to preserve the valuable aromas and ingredients of the tea in the best possible way, we ask you to close the bag tightly and store it in a cool, dark place in the fridge or freezer.


Ingredients: 100%Kabusecha(green tea) from certified organic cultivation
Origin: Japan -Kagoshima
Degree of steaming: Fukamushi- deeply steamed
Dregree of shading: Half shade (7 - 10 days)

Green tea preparation instructions

Grüntee Zubereitung


Prepare a cup for each person that has a capacity of 80 to 100 ml. Allow the boiled water to cool to 80° to 60°C, depending on the type. To do this, either put the water in a cooling bowl or pour it directly into the cups to cool, which will also preheat them.

Grüntee Zubereitung


Put a level teaspoon of tea per person into a clay pot. Pour one cup of water per person over the leaves. Allow the first infusion to brew for a maximum of 30 to 60 seconds.

Grüntee Zubereitung


If the tea is to be served to several people, first pour a little tea into each cup and then fill the cups in reverse order. This way, the tea will be the same strength in all cups. The pouring movements gradually give the tea the right green color. Pour out the last "golden" drops and prevent the tea from brewing any further.

Grüntee Zubereitung


Serve the tea fresh. In Japan, a small sweet treat is often served with unsweetened tea. For further infusions, pour water over the tea leaves again. Only allow to steep for about 15 seconds, as the leaf has already swollen and the ingredients are released more quickly. Distribute quickly all around.

More information on green tea preparation

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25 July 2022 14:58

Wunderbarer Schritt in die Feinschmeckerwelt der grünen Tees

Für jene, die gern grünen Tee trinken, ihre geschmacklichen Vorlieben aber noch nicht recht am Aromarad verorten können, sei dieses Set empfohlen. Hierüber wird man wissen, ob der eigene Geschmackssinn bereits die einzelnen Nuancen herausschmecken kann oder sich der Aufschlag für die Premiumsorten einfach noch nicht lohnt. Mit der Bandbreite von eher leicht zu vollmundig ist die Bandbreite der am einfachsten wahrnehmbaren Aspekte innerhalb der Senchas gut abgedeckt und der Portionengröße (drei Portionen je Sorte mit je drei Aufgüssen) ist Raum für ein wenig experimentieren gegeben, während man nicht ewig an eine Sorte gebunden ist, die in der Reihe der hier durchgehend hochwertigen Tees vielleicht dann doch nur am zweitliebsten genossen wird. Wirkliche exotische Überraschungen außerhalb eines für reguläre Teetrinker erwarteten Spektrums wird man hiermit nicht erleben, was durchaus nichts schlechtes ist, gerade wenn man kein jahrelang passionierter Geschmackswanderschmecker auf der ewigen Jagd nach der neusten aufregend anderen Sorte ist.

15 January 2022 20:50

Besonderes Geschmackserlebnis mit Eventfaktor

Ohne das Set hätte ich mich vermutlich nie an die ganzen Sorten rangetraut und freue mich sehr, dass das so ermöglicht wurde, da es eine wunderbare Reise in neue Geschmackswelten war! Ich kann nur empfehlen, das Tasting in Gemeinschaft zu zelebrieren (zumindest per Videocall!), es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, auch gerade durch das begleitende Büchlein.

24 December 2021 12:44

Tolle Geschenkidee

Ein sehr schönes Set zum Ausprobieren, samt Notizbuch für die Verkostung. Tolle Idee zum verschenken!

11 December 2021 09:33


Hervorragendes Angebot um die Premium Tees auszuprobieren. Sehr schönes Tasting Heft dabei.

Dazu passt

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Kyusu Teapot, red
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Cold brewer "ooika"
Item No. 42200 The Ooika- Cold brewer for the preparation of drip tea can be used with hot OR cold water. However, it is ideal especially for cold brew green tea highlighting the rich yet sweet green fragrance of high quality Kabusecha, known amongst tea-connoisseurs as Ooika. The Cold brewer consists of two glass vessels which are connected with a rubber base with a small opening, which lets the water drip into the stainless steel strainer underneath and then into the lower vessel. To prepare your cold drip Green Tea measure 2-3 teaspoons of tea into the sieve (make sure the tea covers the bottom of the strainer evenly) and fill the upper vessel with 600 to 900ml of water. You can also use ice cubes to make a Kouridashi-brew, either letting them melt slowly to drip over the tea or just add them to your tea once its ready. The preparation takes between 25 and 45 minutes. You can adjust the speed by pushing the little knob deeper into the rubber base to slow the water flow or pulling it back out to speed it up. Best suited for this type of preparation is deep steamed (fukamushi) Kabusecha from an early picking, as these will best release the aroma and all the valuable ingredients of the tea but also the least astringency. Our Tip: Serve the cold drip tea in wine-glasses to surprise your dinner guests with a tasty refreshing alternative to alcohol!


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Dan - Organic Japanese Green Tea
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Content: 0.05 kg (€440.00* / 1 kg)

Soshun - Organic Japanese Green Tea
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Content: 0.05 kg (€490.00* / 1 kg)

Variants from €23.95*
Diamond Leaf - Organic Japanese Green Tea
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Content: 0.1 kg (€475.00* / 1 kg)

Tenko - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Tenko, "gift from heaven", a half shaded green tea from the early first picking at the end of April has, like Tenbu Fuka and Soshun, this special "recurring taste" that stays on the tongue for a long time. Tenko is jade green in the cup. A rich, fruity-fresh fragrance and a characterful, mild and nut-like taste are characteristic of this tea. Kabusecha is a green tea for which the tea plants are shaded, thus forming a high content of chlorophyll and other active ingredients and at the same time little bitter substances. Their characteristic "shade aroma" is called "ooika".   Fukamushicha   Like many KEIKO teas, this is an intensively steamed tea (Fukamushi-cha, 100 - 120 seconds steaming time). Due to the gentle steaming process, the leaf pores open and the extracts from the tea leaf reach the water more easily and quickly. This can be recognized by the deep green tea colour in the cup and the yield of the tea - with top qualities up to 4 infusions are possible! Cold Brew       Intensively steamed early pickings are also particularly suitable for cold infusions (Mizudashi or Cold Brew). By infusing the leaves with cold water you will get an intensive and refreshing tea after only a few minutes. Since the bitter substances do not dissolve as strongly in cold water, the sweet aromas of the Kabusecha are especially noticeable. Storage In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we recommend to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer. 

Content: 0.05 kg (€340.00* / 1 kg)

Variants from €18.95*
€17.00* €18.95* (10.29% saved)
"Tea Tasting Notes" Notizbuch
Artikelnr.: 71011Die Teewelt hat so einiges zu bieten, da kann man schon mal den Überblick verlieren. Mit den Tea Tasting Notes können Sie Ihre Eindrücke festhalten. Die Bewertungsseiten geben Anhaltspunkte, worauf dabei zu achten ist und helfen die Vielfalt der Sorten, den Einfluss der Zubereitung auf den Geschmack und die Einordnung der Aromen zu visualisieren.- Tipps & Hinweise zur Zubereitung- 20 Tee-Bewertungsseiten- CO2 neutral gedruckt auf 100% RecyclingpapierWeitere Infos zum Tea Tasting Set und dem Tea Tasting Notes Notizbuch finden Sie auch in unserem Grüntee Blog zum Thema.
