Gyokuro Kiwami - Organic Japanese Green Tea


Content: 50 g (€64.00* / 100 g)

Not available

Product number: 10006.1
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Product information "Gyokuro Kiwami - Organic Japanese Green Tea"

Temperature 123 55-70°

Infusions 3

Cold infusions

Enjoy a harmonious aroma with the fine sweetness typical of Gyokuro, paired with a refreshing fruity spice and a long, full-bodied aftertaste. For the first time we can now offer a premium Gyokuro from the highlands of Kagoshima. The tea bushes are only harvested once a year. In two stages, the tea plants are shaded for a total of 3 weeks and slightly steamed for about 40 seconds (Futsuumushi). The infusion of the small dark green needle-shaped leaves presents itself in the cup with a green that is unusually intense for Gyokuro, especially in the second infusion, and a fresh, invigorating fragrance. We recommend three infusions at 50-60°C for this tea, the fruity aromas are particularly effective in cold infusion.

Fully shaded teas from organic cultivation are particularly rare, as the tea plants are also particularly prone to parasites in the strong shade and special diligence and experience are required for cultivation. However, the effort is rewarded with a very special, multifaceted density of aromas.


In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we ask you to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer. 


Ingredients: 100%Gyokuro(Grüntee) aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
Origin: Japan -Kagoshima
Degree of steaming: Chumushi- mormal steaming
Dregree of shading: Full shade

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9 November 2020 16:37


Süß und mild wie die Herbstsonne. Am Nachmittag erquickt er und klingt lange und harmonisch nach.

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€85.00* €96.00* (11.46% saved)